Is Silver a "good Investment Haven" for the future.
Silver has historically proved a reliable option for investors looking for a safe haven asset. One of the key advantages of silver is that it tends to hold its value well during times of economic uncertainty, and it is more accessible and easy to purchase. Silver is not only a precious metal, it has endless real-life uses. Silver is used in Medical applications, Solar panels, batteries, nuclear reactors, semiconductors, touch screens and more. By 2025 the silver institute estimates that 90 million ounces of silver will be needed for vehicle production alone. Silver price forecast is supported by leading indicators like inflation expectations and the (silver futures market positions). Once silver trades near $36 it will only be a matter of time until it tips silver as the precious metal to buy for 2024.” In the Long-term, it is looking for silver to hit $50, but that might take a few years, prices could easily double in the first half of 2025.
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